Thursday, January 18, 2007

Car Talk/Car Walk (with apologies to Click and Clack)

I bought a new car today, well, eight years old but new to me. A practical, four-cylinder, best-selling car in America, and nearly 100,000 miles into its life, but it's the nicest car I've ever owned--by far. Leather seats, keyless entry, power sun roof, smooth, so quiet I can actually hear the CD player, it feels downright luxurious. In fact, the car comes as close as I've ever known to giving me that well-advertised oh-what-a-feeling because I now drive a car that expresses my American roads identity.

Yet I still feel a lack. Is it the same disappointment I learned as a child when the toy's reality did not match its TV euphoria? Or would I feel more sated if it were brand new and featured a hybrid engine? or better yet, bio-diesel?


Chryss said...

Did you try driving with your baby beside you at the wheel? That's what works for Chuck Berry...

George said...

That you mention a "power sun roof" illuminates what your history of cars has been. I know you're older than I am, but even back in the day, did they have hand crank ones?

George said...

Oh, here's Katha Pollitt, if you missed it:

4. Don't think your lifestyle can save the world. I love slow food! I cook slow food! I shop at farmers' markets, I pay extra for organic, I am always buying cloth bags and forgetting to bring them to the supermarket. But the world will never be saved by highly educated, privileged people making different upscale consumer choices. If you have enough money to buy grass-fed beef or tofu prepared by Tibetan virgins, you have enough money to give more of it away to people who really need it and groups that can make real social change.

Go read the whole thing....

Anonymous said...

It seems you have a nice case of buyers regret. I usually experience this when I start to date someone new. Would I be happier if they were taller, shinier, or biodegradable??

Patrick said...

The Katha Pollitt piece is great. Thanks George. THough she doesn't speak directly to the emotional experience of "the left" or of "progressives," she's a nice role model that way.

Patrick said...

Dear Anon,

No regrets. It's just a Peggy Lee kind of feeling. Is that all there is? It would appear that you know it well.

Anonymous said...

You don't have to "oh-what-a-feeling" feeling 'cause you didn't buy a toyota!

Anonymous said...

that should've been a "that"

You don't have that "oh-what-a-feeling" feeling 'cause you didn't buy a toyota!

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